Monday, 20 February 2012

Dispraxic Fantastic

Whilst trying to carry an oven down a spiral staircase I fell and have fractured my wrist... so I wont be hitting the streets for a few weeks, just when it was all going so well!!

Dispraxic Fantastic

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Back on track

Got back out today after last weekends fail, and I managed much further than I thought I would, I'd aimed for 8 miles, but managed 8.6 in 87 minutes.  Very pleased with this! and I ran past the new house I want to buy on the way.  Heres the new extended route, sort of a combination of my two 6 milers, pretty hilly (one massive uphill and one epic down hill as well as a few smaller inclines) not a bad route if anyone else fancies joining me next weekend for the same?

Friday, 10 February 2012

Good effort

Just watched this clip that popped up on reddit!
A family out on a boat that free a humpback whale that was massively tangled in a load of abandoned fishing nets using only a snorkle and a pen knife!  Good effort... though it all gets a bit mushy and American at the end... but still, well done that man!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

February: So far so crap

Foiled by the snow and subsequent minging head cold last weekends planned 8 mile run simply didnt happen.  Although I was pleased not to have to go outside in these Baltic temperatures I was geniunely dissapointed and really hope to be back on track by this weekend.  So to remind myself why I'm doing this I made a clay whale at work today! Well it was a whale but then it became a Narwal because Narwals are AWSOME...