Friday, 13 July 2012

furthest I've ever run...ever

Last Sunday I set out on an attempt to run a half marathon distance, because of all the rain I decided to stick to the roads and keep away from the forge dam area and the woods to avoid getting covered up to my eyebrows in mud.  As per, I got lost, and confused, and by the time I'd figured out where I was and how far off route I'd gone, quite a lot of time had passed.  I usually go out for 2 to 2 and a half hours tops, but by the time I made it home it had been over 3 hours so I was feeling a bit crap about it but when I checked where I'd been I realised I'd covered nearly 16 miles, which if you factor in the slowness up the massive hills, the time standing staring at a cross road trying to decide which way to go and the fact that I stopped at Tescos to buy wine gums.... I think I did alright.  This is where I ended up going:
 This Sunday I've got another long run in Sheffield planned, I might try to follow this same route again, though I probably wont be able to because my sense of direction is so very broken.

This week Paul and I are heading back up to Scotland again for a holiday for a couple of weeks and I'm hoping for a less traumatic time than the last time we were there!
This year we're going back over to Mull and I planning on going whale watching as well as doing lots of other lovely stuff.
It'll soon be a year since the day we were involved in the rescue and to mark it I'm planning to do my longest run to date, 18 miles around loch Scridain (well not around it as its a sea loch, but 9 miles out then 9 miles back.  Wish me luck!!

Monday, 2 July 2012

New shooooooooooes

Finally got round to trying out these bad ass new shoes that I was bought for my Birthday...
 Went to Up and Running in Sheffield which I would like to highly reccomend, the guy there is brilliant, I spent over an hour testing shoes out on the treadmill, they film you running, which is rather hillarious, then look at how wonky your ankles are, mine were quite wonky...

So on Sunday I took them out for a test run, just 6 miles and stuck to the roads and they felt great, really so much better than my £10 decathlon specials that I've been lumping it with.  I hope they will help my slight hip problem now that my wonkyness is stabilised!

So now I have my new shoes I'm stepping up my training a bit, my life from now until October theh 21st looks like this:

Wednesday = 30 min quick run before work

Friday = 1 hour run with hills before hitting the studio

Sunday = half marathon distance +

I would like to get up to doing a few 20 mile runs before the event, which if I'm going to propperly taper before the marathon will have to happen at the end of September which gives me 3 months, or 12 weeks, in which time I have to move house, prepare for my 1st big solo exhibition, establish my new business and keep up the 9-5.... goodbye social life see you at Christmas?