Friday, 28 September 2012

3 weeks left!!!!

This weekend I'll be coming to to final distance in my training, 20 miles, so I decided to read back where I started, can't quite believe how chuffed I was to have run 3 whole miles... non stop...
I am actually amazed at how I have improved with perseverance, I'm no faster than when I started but now I can just run and run and run for hours at a steady pace without even getting out of breath at all.

I really did not believe it when all those running types (you know who you are) said you CAN do it you just need to get past that initial pain, I though BOLLOCKS, some people just CAN'T run and I am one of them, now I find myself being one of those people encouraging others.

I remember thinking that it felt as if my lungs were on fire when I first started this training and being certain that the feeling would never go away, well it actually does, I mean really, propperly, so if you're using that as an excuse then get a better one!

I'll be running my 20 miles around Castle Howard/ Malton/ Terring so if you see me give me a wave!

This is where I'll be heading....

Sunday, 16 September 2012

5 weeks!

Actually starting to get a bit scared now.  Had to do a shorter run this morning because I had to work, on a Sunday, seriously!
Finally though I have been reunited with my ipod and bum bag (never thought I'd miss it so much).  I think I've done permanant damage to my phone shoving it down my bra and using it to listen to the radio while I was ipodless - 4 hours down a sports bra doesn't really do well for my crappy old nokia!

So it really isn't long now until the marathon and as I was running it dawned on me that I only have 3 long runs left as you're supposed to do your last long run 2 weeks before the race and taper down to about 5 a few days before it.
So thats an 18 mile next weekend, then 2 x 20 mile runs then taper time, then off to the airport!

I'm up to 52% of my target for sponsorship, people who I don't even know have been sponsoring me which is just so lovely.

I'll be going to the BDMLR confrence soon which I'm really looking forward to, its at the Hancock Museum in Newcastle on October the 6th, hopefully Paul will come too and we will get to meet some of the brilliant volunteer Marine Mammal Medics, there are also some great speakers lined up including people from the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society and the Born Free Foundation.
Hopefully I might be able to sell some of my prints!


Monday, 10 September 2012

6 weeks to go

Not posted for a while so heres a catch up...
Over the past couple of weeks I've been getting physio on my knee which has improved but is still really painfull and then we moved house so its been really busy.
I ran 18 miles yesterday all the same and although there was a lot of walking and jogging I got around a very hilly route in 3 hours 50 minutes which is pretty slow but if I can keep up that pace for the extra 8 miles I should get round by the course time limit!
I really can't wait for this to be over now, I want my Sunday mornings back!

Keeping motivated though by reading about the mass stranding in Scotland again last weekend, really sad that so may of the same species of whale that we helped died, but once again the BDMLR were there doing their best to save them, and a grand job they did too, read all about it here...,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=908&cntnt01origid=15&cntnt01returnid=54