Friday, 28 September 2012

3 weeks left!!!!

This weekend I'll be coming to to final distance in my training, 20 miles, so I decided to read back where I started, can't quite believe how chuffed I was to have run 3 whole miles... non stop...
I am actually amazed at how I have improved with perseverance, I'm no faster than when I started but now I can just run and run and run for hours at a steady pace without even getting out of breath at all.

I really did not believe it when all those running types (you know who you are) said you CAN do it you just need to get past that initial pain, I though BOLLOCKS, some people just CAN'T run and I am one of them, now I find myself being one of those people encouraging others.

I remember thinking that it felt as if my lungs were on fire when I first started this training and being certain that the feeling would never go away, well it actually does, I mean really, propperly, so if you're using that as an excuse then get a better one!

I'll be running my 20 miles around Castle Howard/ Malton/ Terring so if you see me give me a wave!

This is where I'll be heading....

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