Sunday 18 March 2012

Double Figures & in the papers!

Great 10 mile run this morning, if not a little slow and leisurely, got round in 1 hour 55, there are some pretty epic hills in there though, but thats true of running anywhere in Sheffield!
Heres the route, its quite a nice one actually, well worth a go if you live anywhere along it...
Also this week I was interviewed by a lovely reporter who had originally covered the stranding up in Durness, he'd seen the message that the BDMLR had put on their site and wanted to interview me for an article, so heres a link (thats not me in the picture btw...I was too slow getting one to him...oops!)

Nearly managed to convince Paul and the dog to come along in the run this morning but the duvet won in the end, maybe next weekend...

Thursday 8 March 2012


Got back out again at the weekend, hurt the wrist a little but its nowhere near as painful now, managed 8 miles but having not run for a few weeks I was definitely a little slower.  This week I've also started a mid week mini run before work for 30 - 40 mins (between 3 & 4 miles)

I've also been featured on the BDMLR website this week which has given me loads of motivation and made me think about why I wanted to do this in the first place.,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=887&cntnt01pagelimit=15&cntnt01returnid=54
Please sponsor me if you can!