Sunday 24 June 2012

snotty orange goo

Well well I've just got back from my own little half marathon to poached eggs on toast MMMMmmmm much more tasty than the enery gel I was lured into trying today, this stuff is rank don't bother it has the consitency of snot and the delightful flavour of smart price concentrated orange juice, I'll stick to my jelly babies ta.
 Been meaning to up my mileage for a while now but... excuses... excuses... anyway NO MORE DRINKING ON A SATURDAY NIGHT this mornings run was hard for a variety of reasons: so much rain the hilly off road bits became more like gorge walking than running; last nights dinner of wine and a chip butty didn't do me any favours (I think I may have to change my lifestyle a litlle to survive this); finding a dying baby bird just as I got going caused a massive moral dilema; multipe nettle stings after tripping into a patch because I have 'balance issues' and finally a mental labrador trying to sabotage my downhill speed by leaping in my face.  Anyway I'm home now, time for a bath, heres the route....

Wednesday 20 June 2012

string vests....

Finished my first T shirt design for the BDMLR!

What do you think?
 In other news this weekend I'll be running a half marathon...

pip pip!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

kitted out

Ooh not posted for a while, so a quick update.... been off away on holidays to Ibiza so no running there, but plenty of dancing...does that count?  Then a lovely wedding got in the way so I missed 2 long runs, I've made it out a few times before work and I have a lovely new route through the woods for a morning jog before work, my dog is totally lame and will not run with me, he is such a fat lazy lump of a hound.
Last weekend, even after a night on the merlot I managed about 10 miles, got totally lost though accidentally ran all the way from town to forge dam and when I popped out of the woods there were no houses, just sheep and fields!  Eventually found my way back home without giving up and doubling back.

Got a BDMLR running vest through the post the other day, {Thanks guys!} I shall wear it with pride on the day!
Also I've been asked to design a series of T shirts for them to raise awarness of the problems marine mammals face and to raise funds for the charity, I can't wait to get started on some designs, got some great ideas already and will post them on here when I get them out of my head and down on paper...
